Professional Voice Talent, Amateur Actor and Knitter

Contest Winners

Well, four people responded to the post, so you’re all winners! Expect a message shortly at the email address you entered when you commented with the coupon code and instructions for redeeming it.


Free copies of Zeiihbu Master


Knitting Cast-ons


  1. Gil

    Hi Karen,

    I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your voice, everything about it including the speed.
    I understand you are perfect in Spanish too.
    How amazing!
    I hope you profit richly from your talent.
    I am a foreigner and I owe you an immence gratitude for improving my English and my literary feelings.

    I didn’t know where to place my thanks so I leave them here.

  2. Gil

    Hi Karen, it is Gil again.
    I noticed that I misspelled the word ‘immense’ much to my chagrin.
    Truly it bugs me so.
    I have to turn muck to gold so this is what I thought.
    It was fated that I should write it as ‘immence’ to make it rhyme not only in sound but also in sight with ‘commence.’
    Here goes:
    Great indeed and immence
    The power of my longing
    To be a mighty song king.
    Let the race here commence!

    Thank you again Karen.
    I Hope you do not think this too quirky^^

  3. Hi Karen,
    I am absolutely delighted to discover you have a website where those of us who have been pleasantly entertained by your extraordinarily good reading skills, may express our appreciation. I am looking forward to working my way through your list and guiding my daughters to your repertoire as well.

    Any chance “Jane Eyre” might someday be added? An American accent -of any variation- is appalling for Jane, especially as it’s a first-person novel.

    Best wishes and thank you again.


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