Professional Voice Talent, Amateur Actor and Knitter

Tag: free

Contest Winners

Well, four people responded to the post, so you’re all winners! Expect a message shortly at the email address you entered when you commented with the coupon code and instructions for redeeming it.

Free copies of Zeiihbu Master

I have five free copies of my latest audiobook, The Zeiihbu Master by Kristen Taber to give away! If you’d like a chance to win one, comment on this post and I’ll randomly pick five. Contest ends at midnight on Wednesday 11/26. Winners to be announced the next day.


According to (which hosts LV’s files), my version of Pride and Prejudice has now been downloaded over one million times, making it the third most downloaded item in the LibriVox collection! I’m so glad y’all have enjoyed it so much. It was one of the most fun to record! 🙂

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