Professional Voice Talent, Amateur Actor and Knitter

Trial by Jury

Lise asked me, even though I wasn’t going to be in the play itself, if I’d like to introduce the play in the guise of Queen Victoria. She said she’d been going to have me do that originally too, so I said yes, because I only have to be at the last two rehearsals (that’s tonight and tomorrow), and I don’t have to be there for the whole thing. So, I spent this past weekend making myself a Queen Victoria costume. I used the blouse pattern I used for my Martha costume for Secret Garden, and the skirt pattern from my Ren Faire costume, only I left the front panel un-gathered. It was a good weekend for it, because JoAnn’s was having its Memorial Day sale, so I was able to get this fabulous black striped brocade quite inexpensively. I also got a bit of lace to put at the collar, and some pewter buttons that look great against the black fabric. I think maybe the sleeves should have been tighter than the pattern called for, but it looks pretty cool anyway. I’m going to put my hair in a low bun, parted in the centre… and I’ll rummage through the costume jewelry at the theatre for some medals and something that might do for a tiara.




Long live the Queen

1 Comment

  1. Leslie

    Couldn’t find where to email you… just wanted to thank you for the happy hours I spent listening to your reading Pride and Prejudice. You are the best reader I’ve heard on librovox. Bar none. Please read another Jane Austen novel entire. (In your spare time.)

    Thanks again,

    Leslie Harder

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