Professional Voice Talent, Amateur Actor and Knitter


I originally had this in my last post, but I decided to separate it out and leave the Star Trek review in its own spoilery post.

I managed to record eight chapters for my Clara Vaughan project this weekend (it had been on hold for a while while I finished the Interior Castle, did Brigadoon, and then bought and set up a new laptop after my old one died). I’ll be working more steadily on this one as it’s due mid-June and I’m not quite half-way yet. I may be doing another project for Catholic Audio Company (the people I did Interior Castle for), a two parter by St Louis de Montford, True Devotion to Mary and the Secret of the Rosary. I haven’t signed a contract for this one yet. My three LibriVox projects have been sorely neglected for the past few weeks.

I’ve been watching Rosemary and Thyme via Netflix. I’ve been a fan of Felicity Kendall’s since I came across her as Viola/Cesario in the BBC’s Twelfth Night back when I was an undergrad, and after she appeared on an episode of Doctor Who, I saw that she’d done this murder mystery series a few years ago and decided to check it out. I’ve also been meaning to watch the Good Life (aka Good Neighbors in the US) because although it comes on PBS every so often, it’s quite sporadic, and I’ve never figured out the schedule.


Where no one has gone… (Star Trek Spoilers)


Oh, the Horror!


  1. Oh how funny — I first met Felicity Kendall in Twelfth Night too, when PBS was running that wonderful series of Shakespeare plays in the mid-eighties (?).

    I loved her in Good Neighbors, though it only played here for a very short while years and years ago. That show reminded me of my parents, doing the back-to-the-land semi-self-sufficiency thing in the 70s 🙂 Hmm, I should see if it’s finally rentable…

  2. karma1130

    Ms. Savage,
    I’ve listened with much enjoyment to your readings of Hogart’s Will , and Mansfield Park, I absolutely love your interpretation of Beautiful Soup … would you ever consider film narration ? If so,
    I’d like to forward some materials which hopefully might interest you.


  3. Thank you so much for your recording of The Scarlet Pimpernel on Librivox, it was so much fun for me to listen to today at work. And its almost exactly 8 hours long as well, so it fits perfectly into a work day! (Don’t think I was not working as I should–I’m an illustrator, so I can listen to an audio book and draw pictures quite well.)

  4. Peter Ulvskov

    Completely out of synch – two years late, nearly: Your reading of Pride and Prejudice is excellent

  5. Hi Karen! I don’t know if you get a lot of fans commenting on your blog, so this may seem a little random, but I am a huge fan of your reading voice. I listened to your recording of Pride and Prejudice at work this week, and it was wonderful! You have such a sincere, animated way of reading. Thank you so much, I look forward to listening to books you’ve recorded in the future.

  6. Liz Jaquier


    I just have to say that I’m a huge fan! I just finished listening to 2 of your Anne of Green Gables readings! What an amazing job! You bring the characters to life like I never could! I’ve never read the books and have only seen the movies, so it was such a treat to listen to your interpretation. I read below that you did pride and predjudice as well? I’ll have to see if I can find that. I can’t wait to hear your interpretation on that. I do have one request, if you feel ever inclined. I would love for you to read the 4th book in the Anne series (Anne of Windy Poplars)! I can’t find it anywhere on audio and I think you’re just the person for the job!!

  7. Hayley Albertson

    I am a huge Jane Austen fan and have read all of her novels twice and I never thought I could find an audiobook that could live up to her beautiful prose but your version of Pride and Prejudice is wonderful. I have always felt that I was spoiled by Jim Dale’s reading of the Harry Potter books, because those were the first I listened to and he is so wonderful, that I wouldn’t be able to find another reader that didn’t sound lame. But I am so impressed by you that I am now hunting down all of your other recordings on librivox. Thanks you so much for the work you have put into the recordings they are a joy to listen to.

    Also your train sweater and panda hat are adorable. I actually first heard of your version of P&P on Ravelry, isn’t it a great site!

  8. Diana Majlinger

    Hello Karen!
    I’ve just finished listening your Pride and Prejudice recording, and it’s awesome! You have a lovely voice and you can use it! The voice for Mr. Collins… perfect! He’s an annoying person and the tone was percfect for his character. Thank you!
    And I’ve just noticed that you recorded Persuasion too, and I’m so glad!
    I think I can call myself a Karen Savage-fan :]


  9. Cynthia

    Hi Karen,
    Please, please, please….keep recording books!….Please, we want some more! You are the BEST!…, I love Librivox……
    I don’t knit….but, I needlepoint…..

  10. I am three quarters through listening to The Scarlet Pimpernel from Librivox- and I’m so glad that I could find a link to you there (and your personal website) to tell you how wonderful your reading of that is!!! My mother is English and my father was in the military (we traveled), so I am familiar with British and other accents and dialects- and I am just enthralled with your lovely, cultured British tones, your perfect French and the French accent in English, and most of all- the time, energy, enthusiasm and intelligence that you put into this work, as well as all other your other achievements.

    I will and am definately looking forward to listening to many of the other works that you have done. Just a thanks!!

  11. Bobbie Wickham

    I hope you don’t mind me adding to the fanmail, but I LOVED the Scarlet Pimpernel. The Richmond chapter was amazing, it actually made me shiver. Please don’t stop recording for Librivox!

    I’d been avoiding listening to any recordings of Jane Austen, because I didn’t think anyone could live up to the words, but I might just have to try now.

    Oh, and by the way, if your still looking for the Good Life, the entire 7 series is on youtube, if you don’t mind watching them in 3 parts. I always end up watching them whenever I’m feeling nostalgic.

    *Toddles off to find the much talked-of version of Pride and Predjudice*

  12. coops

    Just wanted to stop by and thank you for your wonderful Librivox recordings; thus far I have enjoyed Pride & Prejudice, and finished listening to Persuasion only today. I had never read any Austen before and thanks to you I am now a fan.

  13. Ms. Savage,
    I loved your reading of The Scarlett Pimpernel on Libri Vox.
    It is exceptional!! It was a true joy to listen to you!!
    I’m on the board of directors of a classical theater company in LA and your reading was good theater; you brought all the characters to life and the narrative was never flat.
    I’ll give your reading of The Scarlett Pimpernel 5 out of 5 Stars!
    I just downloaded your The Secret Garden only because I enjoy listening to you read.
    Take care, and best of luck with your career. Keep reading!

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