Professional Voice Talent, Amateur Actor and Knitter

New books!

The library book sale was last week. I went on opening day this time ($5 entry) because last year I couldn’t find any knitting books and I was hoping to get a better choice this time. There still wasn’t a whole lot, but better than last year. In addition I got a few books of poetry, some mysteries and some scifi. I also picked up a few baby books for a friend.

I’ve started a new LV project, Ultima Thule by Mack Reynolds. I’m doing it for the 4th Annual SFFaudio Challenge. It’s a short novel, so I hope to have it finished within a couple of weeks.






  1. Katie Eller

    Ms. Savage,

    What a small world! You don’t know me. I have been listening to the Anne series on Librivox and when I found your version of Anne of Avonlea (SO much better than the version I listened to of Green Gables), I decided I hoped I’d find your versions for the rest of the series. I listened to your Anne of the Island and then decided to take a break from Anne and pick up Pride and Prejudice. I picked a random version and low and behold, there was your familiar name! Deciding that you must have excellent taste in books, I thought I would see if the Librivox website had a way of listing all of yours so that I could eventually listen to others you had done. When your blog was listed, I had to check it out. Of course, I was excited to see that you’re a knitter as well – I’m trying to learn – but I was intrigued enough to read your first couple of posts. Crazy thing – my husband and I moved to NC from Waco just six weeks ago! The Library Sale tipped me off and then your pictures from the Masquerade Ball confirmed my suspicions. Anyway, I taught in Waco (at Live Oak Classical) while my husband went to grad school. We were there a total of nine years. Couldn’t help but let you know that you have a listening fan and especially when I found out that you’re in our old stomping grounds. Keep up the good work!

  2. Rolland Gilbach

    Can someone please solo the other Anne of Green Gables books that are multi-voiced. I really enjoy the ones you have done and would prefer your readings, but there are many good people who would do almost as well… Rilla and Kilmeny need a new solo version. Is there a way to request this or am I just bugging you.
    Thanks for listening to me
    Rolland in South Dakota
    Thank you for all your lovely work at Librivox…

  3. John Brian

    Listened to your Librivox “Scarlet Pimpernel” while driving home from Thanksgiving with out of state friends. Enjoyed it so much I plan to download more of your recordings. Thank you for sharing your vocal talent with the world.

  4. Rebecca Anderson

    Hi Karen,

    Like the other commenters to this post, I just wanted to let you know I recently discovered Libravox and in particular your L.M. Montgomery recordings which are just wonderful. I hope you will read some more of them at some point and I’m see from above I am not the only one! I am now listening to your recording of A Little Princess, another of my favourites, and am looking forward to many more of your recordings. Thank you so much for all of your fantastic work!

    Rebecca, Manchester, UK

  5. Dean

    Hi Karen,

    After finding a way through the maze of Librivox I figured out how to list all of your recordings and have now listened to 5 or 6. I just finished the Scarlet Pimpernel series. Thank you for your labor of love.

    Dean, TH, IN

  6. Heather Rose Jones

    I followed the link to your blog over from the LibriVox site and this entry seemed to be appropriate for posting yet one more squeeing fan-girl “thank you” for your work there. I’m delighted to see from the heading of your blog that you also do professional voice work. Believe me, I would be more than willing to pay commercial prices for all of the LibriVox recordings of yours that I’ve listened to! (Heck, I think I might be willing to pay to listen to you read a phone book. Seriously.) Have I gotten too creepy and stalkerish yet? 🙂 Anyway, I love both the quality of your readings and the characterizations you give to the voices.

  7. diana

    Just wanted to tell you……. you are my favorite LibreVox reader. Thank you for giving so generously of your time.

  8. Matt Redding

    Hi Karen,

    I’m going to add to the list of people here enthusing over your work at LV. I just finished listening to Pride & Prejudice. What a fantastic job you did. Thank you for your contributions! I’m going to look up more books you’ve done. Best wishes for a great new year.

  9. Karen,
    I came to your blog with the intention of letting you know what an excellent job you did of recording Pride and Prejudice from Librivox. I see after scrolling through your comments that you’ve gotten a lot of praise, and you deserve every bit of it. I reviewed P&P and credited your fantastic job here:

    thank you so much for recording it! I will listen again and again and will try to find more that you’ve recorded. You are wonderful.

  10. Kevin D.

    Karen- A friend demanded I read _Pride and Predjudice_ recently and I loved your reading of it on librivox. Nuanced and perfect! You do all the characters so well, especially the pompous and haughty ones. After P and Predj. I thoroughly enjoyed _Persuasion_ as well. You voice is perfect for Austen and thanks for recording those.

    My problem is I cannot listen to other readers of Austen now, and I can find no Karen Savage version of _Sense and Sensibility_ nor _Emma_. When are you going to finish recording those???

  11. jackie

    i want to join your fan club.
    a pleasure to listen to you read.
    thank you so much !!

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