Professional Voice Talent, Amateur Actor and Knitter

One day, two FO’s!

I finally gathered my courage and steeked the armholes of the little fair isle sweater. After that, all I had left was the collar. I’m quite pleased with it. 🙂

I also finally (finally!!) finished the Twist & Shout sweater from the Fall 2008 Knitty. I had to do the collar twice because I picked up too many stitches the first time and it came down too far on the left. Picture’s not too great, because I didn’t have anyone around to take a picture of me in it, and I was too impatient to wait.

Now off to Ravelry to mark them both complete.


My poor dog is confused


Another FO

1 Comment

  1. Wow, they look great! Aren’t you glad you hung in there to finish the arms?!

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