Professional Voice Talent, Amateur Actor and Knitter

Starting a trend

I got a flat on my scooter this morning. It was a very disconcerting, wobbly feeling. One of my officemates suggested that, as one doesn’t carry a spare on a scooter, I should mod my helmet with a long bolt and a wingnut and start carrying one up there. I’ll be making heads turn. Oh, yeah!




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  1. I Lurve it! ha ha Especially in pink!

  2. Dianne Mays

    Dear Ms. Savage,
    I just wanted you to know how much I am enjoying your Librivox recordings. You are wonderfully talented and I am grateful for the opportunity to listen to these marvelous classics read by a master. Thank you! More, more……

  3. aunty

    Ditto Dianne Mays:) I started to look specifically for books you’d narrated. I’m a knitter, too, and a spinner–mostly I listen to audiobooks while doing these things. Good job and please continue! I wonder if you’d ever try Idylls of the King, by Tennyson? Thanks much for everything.

  4. Karen,

    Loved your reading of “Sense and Sensibility” … couldn’t help thinking Jane Austen would have loved hearing you read it, too! It’s amazing to think that this was a self-published book taking a third of Austen’s annual income to pay for. At least she turned a small profit on the book.

    Have you gotten on Twitter yet? There are tons of ‘Karen Savage’s, none of whom I could identify as you.

  5. It looks like I’m not the only one who linked over from LibriVox to say THANK YOU for your recordings. I listened to Mansfield Park and really enjoyed it. I’m about to download and start listening to The Scarlet Pimpernel. I love the books you’ve chosen to read too. Thank you for volunteering your time and reading so wonderfully!

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